
Monday, July 25, 2011


I walked by my box of color pencils sitting on a shelf today and felt they were pulling me like a magnet:) It was a nice exercise... just letting it flow.

No name, four pencils and some tunes.

Talk Soon

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Little Bit of Dance...

Dance has always been a huge part of my life ever since I had the awareness of self... I have performed it for years but due to changes in my path I ended up saving it in a drawer, a very special one though. It is a dream of mine to eventually go back to it and never stop again.
My daughter and I have been following this tv show that has mesmerized us with what is going on with the world of dance nowadays...It is breathtaking!!!
This is our favorite couple in the show and every week they make us understand the beauty and deptht that art can bring into our lives when you are truly passionate about it!

Hope you enjoy it too!

Danca sempre foi uma grande parte da minha vida, desde que comecei a ter o entendimento de ser alguem... Eu dancei por anos mas por mundancas no caminho da vida eu acabei guandando este sonho em uma gaveta, mas uma gaveta muito especial. E' um sonho meu voltar a dancar eventualmente e continuar em segui-lo por toda vida e nunca mais parar.
Minha filha e eu estamos acompanhando este show na tv que nos deixa de queixos caidos...Realmente lindo!!!
Este e' o nosso favorito casal do show e a cada semana eles nos fazem entender a beleza e profundidade que a arte pode trazer as nossas vidas quando somos apaixonados por ela!

Espero que voces gostem tbm!

Talk Soon

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Parallel Paths...

Some things are just meant to be...


I truly doubt that anybody loves scarves more than I DO!!!! :) Here is a video if you are on my team, lol